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Islamic Inheritance Appendix

Islamic inheritance law forms the foundation for Islamic Wills or Trust you create. Unfortunately, many people choose to write in their estate plan that includes one of the five options below. However, This can work for Muslim majority countries but not where the Muslims is a minority due to many reasons, including the inheritance laws of Muslim minority countries (such as Canada, USA, United Kingdom, Australia, India, China, or any other similar) are different from Muslim Sharia law. Also, sometimes the applicability of Shariah law is restricted. Click here to learn about Islamic Inheritance law. There are six options utilized regarding Islamic inheritance appendix by attorneys and online Wills or Trusts that include the inclusion of (1) a definite share of the inheritance, (2) Leaving duties for an executor or Trustee to figure out inheritance shares, (3) Include 5-50 pages of Mawarith schedule, (4) Do not include Inheritance distribution appendix or information but spell as "distribute assets as per Islamic Inheritance law", (5) Do not distribute assets as per Islamic Inheritance law but as per your own wishes, and (6) A systematic way of showing shares distribution in Appendix form not exceeding two pages.

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