Goals in sickness

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Even though we are not expecting, many unfortunate things may happen, and we may face short- or long-term sickness challenges.

Our life is not the same or consistent every instant, and, it's like a Rockies, not a smooth way. We naturally have feelings of expressing emotions, hope, desperation, happiness, or optimism. Childhood is best known for innocence, and then adulthood for curiosity and facing more and more challenges as we grow older.

We always think about gaining flexibility in our minds and body. In my childhood, I used to think about how can I consider myself to become a stone which does not move or do anything in any desperate situation. Human beings have considerable flexibility in adapting to circumstances regarding health, wealth, or livelihood. Healthy people have healthy lifestyles, which creates high aspirations. This does not mean that people can not accommodate the downturn of life. It is not so difficult to wait for a missed flight during our journey or have the patience to accomplish a school or university or anticipate getting a good job or baby; however, when it comes to sickness, it needs an enormous amount of energy, endurance, and strength.

Wealthier may have a goal of living in a beautiful home or dream of enjoying an expensive car, while for the poor, getting a daily meal for the weak is one of the daily provocations. We have our own world to live in, and we get so assimilated that sometimes it takes months or years to escape the dilemma. Even though we are surrounded by family and friends, our own world is separated entirely from each other. We dream and try to achieve goals, always getting ready for the next challenge.


In the sickness, our world becomes so small that we just look for accomplishing little tasks that we never focus while healthy. Our mind stops thinking further due to confinement of illness, and thus, our expectations and objectives take another course.


During my scheduled hospital visit, an old man who was in the hospital for months. He was grieving for his wife, who was delayed in her regular visits. We tried to make him involved with playing bingo and talking about different topics, but he could not get away with his thoughts about his wife, as I did not know how long he had been waiting for her. He may have begun making goals to meet his wife for a week or month. All these little visits, we do not bother much when we are all strong and healthy, and our goals for careers or investments transform merely into waiting for someone's visit during sickness. It is not easy to actualize unless we take a moment to reflect on it. Even though the illness is unfortunate, things happen in life that give us an opportunity the revival of ourselves. As we said, a hidden world within us needs some sort of thrill, and sickness brings the opportunity to get inspired.

On another occasion, we met an old lady who had a daughter and grandchildren living in the same city where she was hospitalized. They used to visit her a few times a week. She was eagerly waiting to see them, and that was her goal.

Sufferers aim to recover from sickness and get back home, but unfortunately, they cannot, and they have to make the hospital their home for many long-term ailments. We do not think all these while we are healthy and wealthy as we should. Good things are good, but there are lots to learn.

Our amusement world turns into a small world of desperation in a moment. Since nothing is predicted in life and until we are all strong, we are hopeful and positive about predictions. All is good, but sometimes it helps to look at the people around us who face frenzy and get inspiration and appreciate more grateful than ever for our life, what we do, and what we have. The petite pace back and thinking may help us prepare for the future.

There are many factors does play a role in such a situation that we even do not know about the person who is sick. He or she may not have money to pay for hospital expenses or may not have relative or friend support, adding more trouble into sickness; respecting all and keeping this in mind, may help us recycle and rethink while visiting sick. We tend to think always the illness is an unfortunate thing, and that is true as we do not have authority over our own physical, and we have to work it out.

Everyone deserves fun, happiness, and liberty in life, but many of us are born blind, deaf, or disabled, making the challenge for ourselves and the ones looking after us. If they have no one to look after, they have to rely on the facility or people they have; sometimes, they will not have any alternative, sadly.

There is no timeline or specific scenario for getting sick, but we do know for sure that having good eating habits, healthy lifestyles, and being optimistic may help steward our life in a better way. In case of accidents or sports activities, whether at home or work, we have opportunities to get away from the worse.

We have time, life, chances, and so on, but wisdom lies in utilizing all these intuitively. The smartness is not to have all these blessings misused and get paralyzed, but to have patience and try to do what ideally needs to do.