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Waqf, Endowment, Trust Madhab's differences opinions

The challenge of differences of opinion among the various Islamic schools of thought (Madhabs) when it comes to Waqf and Endowment principles. These differences can create uncertainty and lack clarity in deducing concrete outcomes for waqf management and implementation. The diversity of Madhabs within the Islamic tradition results in variations in interpreting and applying Islamic jurisprudence. Each Madhab has its own methodologies and legal principles, which can lead to divergent views on waqf-related matters. These differences can encompass areas such as the types of properties that can be endowed, the permissible uses of waqf funds, the conditions for waqf validity, and the appointment of trustees, among others. The lack of clear consensus on specific waqf-related issues can complicate decision-making processes and lead to differing interpretations and practices across different regions and communities. This can, in turn, hinder the growth and effective management of waqf assets and their potential to address societal needs. Some contemporary scholars and institutions have proposed proposals and frameworks to reconcile the differences among Madhabs on waqf matters. These efforts seek to provide clarity and practical guidance to trustees, administrators, and beneficiaries involved in waqf projects. It's important to note that while differences of opinion exist, there are also areas of consensus and shared principles among the Madhabs regarding waqf. These shared principles, such as the perpetual nature of waqf, the intended public benefit, and the prohibition of personal benefit by the waqf founder, can serve as a foundation for common understanding and collaboration. Overall, addressing the challenge of Madhab differences requires ongoing dialogue, scholarly engagement, and the development of practical guidelines that consider the shared principles and aims of waqf. By fostering a spirit of cooperation and understanding, it is possible to navigate these differences and promote the growth and effectiveness of waqf for the benefit of communities. Following are the differences of opinions among Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence schools (i.e., Hanafi, Shafii, Maliki, Hanbali) regarding Waqf and Endowment. Following references mostly taken from article "Classical waqf, juristic analogy and framework of awqaf doctrines by Mohammad Abdullah"

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