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Waqf, Endowment, Trust definitions and terms

Waqf, Endowment, and Trust have many terms you should know before creating an Endowment or Waqf agreement. Learning these terms is important which forms the fundamentals of Waqf. These terms may include Shariah, Habs, Waif (or Muhabbis), Waqfiyya, Al-Maqquf (or Al-Muhabbasa), Mawquf Alaihim, Sighah, Mutawalli, Nadhir (or Nazir), Manfaa, Asl, Al Hawz, Samaa al fashi, Hawala Habsiya, Ghayr Munqta, Mushrut-ul-khidmat, Raqabah, Qadi, Infaq, Sadaqah, Sukuk, Qard al-hasan, Mudarabah, Maslahah, etc.

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