What is a Letter of Wishes?

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

The Letter of Wish is used in the context of estate planning. It's a popular non-binding agreement and serves many purposes.

The Letter of Wishes (also called a Side Letter or a Letter of Intent ) can be anything you may think of about your wishes regarding your estate distribution. Letter of Wishes either can be used as an internal non-binding agreement between yourself and your spouse, and another way to use an external non-binding agreement along with the Discretionary Trust under your Will. Attorneys are sometimes called non-binding side letters, so it's not Wassiyyah's unique product or idea but used worldwide by Islamic estate planning professionals. The only difference is, Wassiyyah offers an intensively detailed at the most affordable cost. A married couple should create one for the Husband and another for the Wife. You can use the same Letter of wishes template for both, except you need to change personal information and assets. The instruction guide will provide more information when you create Islamic Will or Trust.