What are the benefits of creating Islamic Wills

The core benefits of Islamic Will help inheritors in the long term. Islamic Will is the most simple estate plan that is easy to create and maintain.


Comply with Muslim religious obligatory duties. Muslim duties on inheritance and debts must be fulfilled before death. This is called shariah or Islamic compliance. Muslim's salvation depends on compliance with Inheritance and debts fulfillments.


You can comply with legal laws to meet legal obligations. No country laws prohibit you from creating your Will; instead, emphasize having a Will. Non-compliance legally increases not the work and expenses for your family but for the government too. That's why judiciary legal laws prefer that everyone should have a Will. If you do not create Will means, you do not follow the standard guidelines of the country on legal compliance. Although no country enforces this because it is about your wishes. You have to create Will to comply with legal obligations.


Centrally manage your assets. One of the most important features you should note is that Islamic Will allows you to manage your beneficiaries in one place. It does not require you to update beneficiaries’ information every time any changes to assets or investments.


You need to make sure you are left with paperwork before death that complies with your wishes, values, faith, and morals. If you do not create Will, it will create complications, delays, and more expenses, reducing the overall inheritance amount. Your inheritors will need a legal paper that can speak on your behalf, and the only document that would be helpful is Wills or Trust.


Nothing is automatic. Your executors ensure (if appointed) pay all taxes, and the final income tax return is filled out to close on your end for tax purposes. If you do not have a Will, there won't be anyone looking after all these. You know that your inheritors and assets would be facing penalties on all of these for any delays. It becomes further interesting if your assets are all over the place nationally or internationally.


You cannot even make everything go to charity because there are many restrictions on how much you can do charity without tax consequences after death. Also, you have the duties to fulfill to your inheritors so that they receive assets, not expenses and debts.


The most important one is guardianship for your children if you have minor children. Your Islamic will can speak on your behalf to guard your children.