Legal necessity of creating Islamic Wills

The last Will for Muslims to comply with Islamic law or Shariah in addition to Legal laws is called Islamic Will. However, there is a misconception that Islamic Will should comply with Islamic law or shariah only, but this is not true. The land of laws, called legal laws, is important for compliance with Islamic Wills. There are many legal necessities for creating Islamic Wills, meaning it helps legally if you create it. Not creating Will means you are ignoring those mandatory legal necessities.

Various names are used across the internet for Islamic Wills, such as Islamic Wills, Muslim Wills, Wasiyat, Wassiyyat, Wasiyyat, Wassiya, Wasiya, Wasiyya, Wassiyyah, Wasiyyah, or simply Last will. Legally, there is no issue with any of these naming conventions.


Handling guardianship will be a major concern if both spouses die simultaneously without Will. The court would appoint a guardian for a child or children, which would cost money and may not be of your chosen guardian, but simply you bought it because of not having Will.


Estate distribution would require an executor appointed by the government in case you do not have an Islamic Will. Creating a Will indirectly helps the government reduce their legal affairs. Estate distribution must follow Islamic inheritance law for Muslims. How can your inheritance be distributed per Islamic law if there is no Will or paperwork!


All affairs would become subject to court matters which would be time-consuming and costlier for inheritors.


You may not have updated beneficiaries’ information on the pension plan, investments, insurance, and properties, which would create huge legal court deals for inheritors.


Our financial challenges have been increasing daily basis, which eventually increases debt. When money becomes a matter, our internal ego comes into play, creating unhappiness, jealousy, animosity, and hatred among family members. People can break down verbal and moral promises in the absence of paperwork. This creates rifts among siblings and inheritors, which remains for decades and are carried over to generations. Even though you love your spouse, children, parents, or relatives, it may create relationship failure without Last Will.


Lack of paperwork may create roadblocks to resolving estate planning and distribution-related issues. Everything comes down to obtaining proof through the legal processing of paperwork.


There is no easy way to pay off debts and expenses after death. The only and the best way is to create your Islamic Wills or Trust to properly and orderly clear debt. Debt settlements must be done on time to clear the final income tax return.


You have a legal obligation to the government. Since creating a Will is not MANDATORY, it is considered as the last priority. If you do not have a Will, then the government will have to take care of your AFFAIRS at your EXPENSE.


You have a moral and social obligation to your spouse, children, and relatives, which can be accomplished through making Will and MAKING EASE FOR THEM.


Create Islamic Will today, and you can always modify and improve in the future if needed. It will be the peace of mind for you, your inheritors, and government officials.